Hector: Alright everyone, it's time for Helga's solo. From the top!
Helga: NO! NO! A bajillion times NO! I will not sing!
Hector: Come on Helga! Your solo's the most important part of the play!
Helga: NO! As long as the ghost is ghosting, I will not sing!
Hector: Helga, please! There's no such thing as ghosts!
Bailey: Now now, miss 'elga, nothin' to worry about. I'm 'ere now
Helga: Oh, but what if the ghost throws a tomato or something?
Bailey: No worries. I'll 'appily take a tomato for you any day
Helga: Well...Alright. I'll do it. I'll sing.
Hector: Wonderful! Alright everyone, places! Places!
(Everyone takes their places.)
Hector: Alright, from the top. One...Two...Three...Action!
Ghost: OOOooooOOOOoooooOOOOoooOOO!!!!!
Bailey: Yikes! That doesn't sound right...
Helga: It's not me! IT'S THE GHOST!
Ghost: OOOOooooOOOOOooOOOoooOOOO!!!!
Hector: Oh my goodness! The ghost is real?!
Helga: Don't just stand there, do something!
Bailey: Well, I ain't afraid of no ghost! Let me 'andle this!
Bailey: You there! You're under arrest! Haunting is against the law!
(Ghost begins to glow)
Ghost: OOOOoooOOOooOOOoOO!!!
Bailey: On second thought, maybe I'll let you off with a warning...
Hector: Maybe if we ask it nicely, it'll go haunt the Mine or something...
Helga: Oh fiddle sticks! I've had enough! Shoo, ghost, shoo!
Ghost: OOOOOooooOOOOOooooOOO!!!
Helga: Hmph! You call that a G flat? I'LL show you a G flat...
Ghost: OOOOoooOOOOooOOOO!!!
Hector: WHAAAAT?!!
(There's a rumble, and suddenly...)
(...a giant avalanche buries the Ghost)
Helga: Now THAT'S how you sing opera.
Hector: I guess it's not over until the hat-lady sings!
Bailey: Alright, now let's see who's really behind the ghost!
(Bailey removes the Ghost's costume)
Hector: Why it's Moneek, our costume designer!
Moneek: Whoa, my head...What's going on here?
Hector: What were you doing in that sheet?
Moneek: Sorry, I got tangled in that sheet with my flashlight.
Helga: Then why were you yelling 'OOOOooooOOOO!!'
Moneek: Oh, it was too bright. It was hurting my eyes.
Bailey: Well, I'm glad we got that all cleared up!
Helga: And I finally got a chance to practice my solo!
Hector: Good show, everyone. Let's take it once more from the top!
Director: Vikings to the left!
Director: Vikings to the right!
Director: Start dancing!
Director: Viking waves!
Director: Row! Row! Row your longboat!
Director: Quiet on the set!"