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» FLATHEAD....Great Band From Az! Check Out....Truck City/Alcohaulin'/Airborne/10-Rodge......Link Below
Their story sounds like some well-contrived publicity yarn: The left-handed guitarist who plays with his instrument strung upside down; the imposing punk veteran who sings spot-on Appalachian harmonies and drums like a mad dervish; a small army of gifted, outlandish bass players who’ve come and gone with a Spinal Tappish frequency. Remarkably, though, it’s not fiction; it’s Flathead. To music fans outside the Grand Canyon state, Phoenix’s Flathead is more a legend than a band. A musical fixture in the desert for more than a decade, Flathead have rarely toured outside their native southwest. Yet their brand of blazing boom-chicka country, fevered roadhouse, and impeccably crafted catalog of trad inspired tunes have made them one of the most significant, if overlooked, roots acts to emerge from Arizona in a generation. The fact that they’re still performing, as musically potent and popular as ever, nearly 13 years after first forming is testimony of that. Everything from Rig Rock or Cow Punkabilly to Hillbilly Motown have been used to describe the Flathead sound. My best advice is check out the tunes, check out a show and come up with your own moniker that suits ya! Listen to Flathead