1. Half Bust Corset
in the past corsets were fashionable among women. Corsets were used to improve their posture and make it more lady-like. Nowadays they are used mostly for aesthetic purpose. Young girls wear them to feel more appealing and sexual. In the past they were laced by servants, nowadays spouses are usually those who bear that responsibility. They make it harder for you to breathe but in the past corsets that enabled riding a bicycle, playing tennis or horseback riding were designed. However, women are not the only ones who wore corsets; men also wanted to look good and had specially designed corsets for them. Take a look at some unusual corsets!This hot Leather corset is worth $600. If you want to wear it to a party I advise you to take a couple of bodyguards with you.2. Tattoo Corsets
3. Led Corset
The Led corset id the prefect outfit for the New Years Eve, it will get you in the festive mood.
4. Green Feather Corset
This custom made corset won’t make you feel free like a bird, but it will make you look like one.
5. Metal Corset
6. Beer Tab Corset
7. Back/Front Corset
The price for such corsets is too high but it looks nice. You can have one of these painful corsets on your front, too.
8. Darth Vader & Storm Trooper Corsets
These costumes are based on the costumes of Darth Vader & Storm Trooper. The first one costs $600 and the latter $500.
9. Shirt Corset
If you are not like those masochistic girls and you don’t like needles, buy this cute shirt corset and you’ll feel better than the girls with dozens of piercings in their skin.
10. Alice Corset
You’ll look like Alice in the Wonderland wearing this corset. And you won’t have to worry about the time because you’ll have a clock on your chest. Imagine that.