SO I had to move my classroom at the end of the year and was unable to really unpack too much because they are painting classrooms over the summer. Due to that, and the fact that I knew I would want to work on some things over the summer, there were quite a few things I found necessary to bring home with me. Hence, these piles.
My "summer classroom"
Really, what was I thinking?! Because what on EARTH am I going to do with these things for the next 2 and a 1/2 months?! It currently looks like this in the corner of my bedroom and I don't like it. I don't have an office or anything to make it look neat in, so I'm asking you, fellow teachers, organizers, blog readers, etc. what you do with the items you just HAVE to have home with you over the summer months!!
Do you have those items you just have to bring home for the summer? How do you go about keeping them organized over the summer months??
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