So now that my school year has ended I know what things I need to work on, make, or do differently next year. One being, logging parent involvement. I kept a notebook by my phone where I recorded every phone call received, made, or voicemail left. I thought that was sufficient. And it was. UNTIL I had to sit down and fill out the parent involvement logs in the back of every IEP folder I have. This has to include all meetings, all invitations to meetings, and phone calls. Now I'm stuck spending my Sunday filling out these forms on a gazillion folders (yes, 19 feels like a gazillion)
As another co-worker was updating her IEP files on Friday, she shared a binder with me that she keeps for parent involvement. She keeps it by the phone and inside is one page protector for each child. Inside that is an information sheet on the child with important phone numbers, methods of contact, etc. and also, a copy of the involvement log that goes in the IEP folder. This allows her to record the phone calls directly on that sheet right when they come in! WHY DIDN'T I EVER THINK OF THAT?!
I'm definitely doing it next year though! I made a cover for my binder (to go along with the fish theme I'm doing next year & the clever acronym I came across online for fish!)
And then I came up with a student information sheet. I found one on TpT that I liked, but I wanted to edit it to have a few different questions, so I wound up making my own. I have uploaded it for FREE on TpT so go to my store and download it for yourself!!
Behind this sheet is where I will put the parent involvement log sheet. I don't have a copy of this to upload because I will be using the actual form that is added to the IEP folder!
Do you use anything similar in your classroom? How do you log parent involvement?