New Music Jam Furniture and Music Jam Construction!
New Music Jam Furniture!
Make a stage in your igloo with items from the Better Igloos catalog.
Bright lights and high-tech lasers are available in the Better Igloos catalog!The new Music Jam furniture is inspiring musicians to throw concerts in their igloos. “I’ve always wanted to design my own stage,” said one excited singer. “I hope my fans like the laser show I’ve been planning!”
For my encore I’ll be dancing in a circle of fire,” said the singer. “But don’t worry, I’m keeping a fire extinguisher backstage—just to be safe.” Dancers can also try out the state of the art dance mat. “I’ve cleared a big space for the dance floor,” said the singer. “If more fans show up, it’s always good to be prepared.” Check out the latest Music Jam items— available now in the Better Igloos catalog! To browse the new furniture, just click the tape measure in your igloo.
Music Jam Construction!
Workers have begun ‘drumming up’ stages for the upcoming Music Jam party. The entire island is getting a rockin’ revamp for Music Jam, but it will take everyone’s help! Speakers need plugging in, instruments must be unpacked—and stages have to be painted…
“I’m no Music Jam expert,” said a construction worker. “But I can’t think of anything sweeter than the sound of jackhammers.” Many stages still need to be built around the island, but the worker is confident in the construction crew: “When we’re done, this festival will be slicker than a singing sea cucumber!” Help with the festival construction before Music Jam begins June 17.
Upcoming Events :)
Starting Now Better Igloos Catalog Amp up your igloo with new Music Jam items! Better Igloos Furniture Catalog CHEATS :)
Starting Now Music Jam Construction Help build rockin’ stages all around the island. Music Jam Party Preparations 2011 :)
Starting Now Secrets of the Bamboo Forest To find the Golden Feather, quest beyond the Stage…Secrets of the Bamboo Forest :)
June 17: Music Jam - the island’s annual music festival returns!
Find the collectible pin! Hidden now until June 16.
Next pin hidden: June 17 – June 29 Red Electric Guitar Pin :)
News Flash :)
Facility nearly finished! Last week’s unannounced maintenance to the Everyday Phoning Facility is almost complete. Workers—help install the Extra Powerline Fixes, so repairs are done by next week. Everyday Phoning Facility in need of Repair!
Ask Aunt Arctic and Penguin Bands New Style!
Rollover each member of the Penguin Band to read their bio :)
Franky Creative and curious Still gets butterflies before a performance Plays the keyboard
Petey K Funny and smart Likes pulling pranks on G Billy Plays the accordion
Stompin’ Bob Adventurous and cool Spends his free time reading, and writing songs Plays the electric bass
G Billy Loyal and dedicated to his fans Never takes off his lucky bandana Plays the drums
Dear Aunt Arctic,Who is the Penguin Band?–M. Yoozik
Dear M. Yoozik,The Penguin Band is the island’s legendary rock group. Believe it or not, Franky, Petey K, Stompin’ Bob and G Billy have been playing together since 2006!
I can still remember interviewing Franky when he first joined the band. The group has certainly come a long way. Now, after a year of recording, the Penguin Band is finally returning to the island! They’ve let me know they’re excited to play for fans at Music Jam—and to debut their new look.
Secrets Classified Secret Ninja Items
Ninjas: Did you know you can unlock secret abilities, dances and waves with certain ninja items? You’ll find them in the Martial Artworks catalog at the Ninja Hideout.
Ninja Suit: You need two pieces to unlock this mysterious dance: mask and suit
Gong: Wave to sound the gong!
Cloud Wave Bracers: Wear with the Ninja Suit, then wave to make clouds appear Cloud Wave Animated :)
See earlier Newspaper Club Penguin Times issue 294 :)