Here is a lesson idea. I'm doing this on Monday with my kiddos for small group time. Our theme this week is butterflies and caterpillars and we are going to be doing a lot of activities with the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
On Monday we will be reading the story and the students will each get a different food picture from the story. Using memory, the students will have to sequence what the caterpillar ate first. I would never get through small group activities if each student didn't have something to hold throughout the activity. Good thing this caterpillar had a lot to eat!
Here are the food pieces up close.
I found the clip art for the food items here. I resized them before printing them out. What a relief to find just what I needed already in color. Oh wait, our printer is low on colored ink. I wound up having to recolor almost everything with marker, but it wasn't too bad. Next I laminated each piece for durability. (I laminate EVERYTHING and I'm not exaggerating!)
On Tuesday we will be re-reading the story and the students will be drawing a picture of what they would eat if they were really hungry. Then we are going to turn it into a large caterpillar. (Idea stolen from my friend Meghan!) I will post pictures of that once it's displayed!