❤ My first-ever dance was truly a thing I will always remember. ❤
{Watch this video for a peek at the delightful occasion! Yes, that is me in the light green up there, dancing with my sweet friend Katie...you shall see us go waltzing by a few times. Just watch for a girl in a white puffy skirt and green jumper.. ;)}
The costumes were lovely. The music was beautiful. The dances were fantastic--and OH, so fun! I had the time of my life, as I knew I would...:)
::Waiting for the carpool! Left to right: Chrissy M., me, Liv..::
The dance was in a beautiful barn.
::Photo credit ECD Oregon..I know, not *quite* a barn, huh? More like a ballroom!::
..Our little group of eight girls was the best.. ❤
::Left to right--Bella, Michelle, me, Katie, Chrissy, Liv, Nicole..and we're missing Hannah! :(::
..Twirling and whirling around amidst laughter and music was something I could have done for hours!
..Now I can hardly wait for the next one. ;)