::The Winners::
Thank you all so much for participating in "From Under My Little Umbrella's" three giveaways. I am excited as you are to see who the winners are, today! Also, a HUGE thank you to my sponsors, smilesophie and alongfortheride.
Ready, girls? On the count of three, okay? ;) ONE. TWO. THREE.
"Thank you!!!"
Now. Here they are, chosen *quite* fairly via random.org.
For this lovely necklace from smilesophie:

{Congratulations, ladies--comment #70! I don't know which of you entered this giveaway, but..yay!}
For the super cute peony hair pin from alongfortheride:
{Congrats Abby--comment #43, from "Follow God Everyday!"}
And, for the beautiful rosette earrings also from alongfortheride:
{Congratulations, Mary--comment #60! Your profile is unavailable to me, sadly, so no link!}
And that about wraps everything up. :)
And, Winners:
Please send your address and full names to me at
BEFORE February 28th, or I will have to draw another winner for your prize. :(
Blessings! And to those who didn't win--check back soon, because more giveaways are comin' your way! ;)