Club Bug earlier known as Club Penguin keep having Problems! Because CP STILL hasn’t synchronized their servers I sometimes have the New updated Fireplace in My igloo and…
…sometimes the OLD Fireplace!
…One of the reasons Lane Merrifield (Billybob) told us they chose to sell Club Penguin to Disney was that Disney had the infrastructure Club Penguin needed to make it better BUT the question is do Disney have the INTEREST to do so? OR are they just interested to get as much money out of us children as Possible? I think it is time for Disney Club Penguin to prove themselves! Starting by SYNCHRONIZE the Servers and fix ALL known BUGS! Fatal Error! Secret of the Igloo Contest Bug SOLVED!
Then Club Penguin has other Serious issues to deal with! Club Penguin has proved themselves to Trick Money from us when we buy Card-Jitsu Cards AND their Support Team has BIG Problems! Read more here Unlock items Failed! What to do?