..So, friends, I have a favor to ask of you. :)
Do you remember my September post, "When Your Heart Begins to Stray," on when you have stumbled in your walk of Purity? Read it here if you need to refresh your memory, or are a newcomer. =)
Anyways. I got quite a few {rather difficult} questions concerning that topic, and I am not wise by myself. I was wondering: could you, my Dear Friends, help me out, if you feel so led? Please pray about your answers, then send them in to me by e-mail:
..I will post the answers to each question ASAP. Thank you so much! I really want as much input from godly young ladies as I can get...I could do this all by myself, but more make the wiser, and I am certainly not wise. ;)
So. Without furthur adiu, here is the first question I recieved concerning my "Purity Post". I have chosen to keep all questioners anonymous, even if they did not explicitly desire this.
So....Is is bad to 'like' someone?
Because I have a major crush on a boy I know...
Girls? Ladies? What are your answers? How can you wisely advise this young lady?
~ I eagerly await your answers! Miss Anonymous, thank you for your question. We will {hopefully} have some heart-felt answers to you shortly! Do not give up in striving to remain pure. <3
*If you answer the question by comment instead of by e-mail, I will not publish your comments until the "answering" post*