. . . Vote Democratic!
. . . Vote Democratic!
Support the inclusive and liberal candidates who will support you. You don't have to love them, but you do need to vote for them. The right-wing extremists are salivating at the thought of getting into Congress so that they can impose their dogmatic and repressive ideas on us. And artists, if you're thinking of not voting because you're unhappy with the status quo, consider this: It's hard enough to be included on anyone's agenda, but the Repugnicans consistently vote down any support for the arts. Make a difference with your Democratic vote. It's that important.
. Say no to creationist morons who believe the Constitution was handed to Moses.
. Say no to anti-choice candidates who have come to this position after having had access to abortions of their own.
Support the inclusive and liberal candidates who will support you. You don't have to love them, but you do need to vote for them. The right-wing extremists are salivating at the thought of getting into Congress so that they can impose their dogmatic and repressive ideas on us. And artists, if you're thinking of not voting because you're unhappy with the status quo, consider this: It's hard enough to be included on anyone's agenda, but the Repugnicans consistently vote down any support for the arts. Make a difference with your Democratic vote. It's that important.
. Say no to creationist morons who believe the Constitution was handed to Moses.
. Say no to anti-choice candidates who have come to this position after having had access to abortions of their own.
. Say no to anti-gay zealots who may or may not be boffing their parishioners or staffers in an orgy of delusion, denial and self hate. (We don't want them on our team, anyway.)
.. Say no to anti-immigrant fanatics whose grandparents or parents (or who themselves) came here with dreams of a better future--and who now demonize those who are just arriving as they try to close the door.
. Say no to the Teabaggers who push for English-only (even though they can't spell with it), believing that "if English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for you."
. Say no to the "anti-big-government" extremists who seek to impose fascist sanctions in the name of freedom
. Say no to the people who promise no new taxes. The will cut what few benefits you do have in order to support their wealthy constituents. And you'll end up paying more for goods and services.
. And if you need more reasons, here are 90 of them, a list compiled by Robert P. Watson in The Political Agitator, which I found on Dana Roc's blog, Dana Delivered