The forecast looks cloudy for Club Penguin this week. The Halloween storm is still looming overhead! Weather experts are baffled. No one knows how long the storm will last.
“This is the first time the storm hasn’t passed after the party is over,” said one scientist.
Gary the Gadget Guy was interviewed, but only had time for a short comment.
“The storm is indisputably behaving unusually—which means it’s acting weird. Unfortunately, I cannot do more research. I have some other equally important work to do.”
“I can confirm that it has never rained before in Club Penguin. But who knows what may happen? It’s fascinating.”
Check next week’s Club Penguin Times for more details.
This is NOT GOOD! Our Environment can severely be damage if it starts to rain to MUCH! I must Hurry and Find Uncle Gary and ask what I can do to Help! I better take the Megaphone with me otherwise it can be hard to make myself heard in the Storm…