Um, do you ever get the urge to eat your boyfriend?
Readers' dilemma: "Can I date someone who hates reading?"
Check out these photos...George Clooney totally has a crush on Brad Pitt.
An ode to small boobs.
Do you worry too much? Here's a good phrase to remember...
Five cute Valentine's Day presents.
Help! Where should we go for our honeymoon?
What do you think of this new J. Crew wedding dress? (It's the first one I haven't liked.)
What good news have you gotten recently?
Were you spanked? Would you spank your kids?
A library-scented perfume!
Do you find gray hair attractive? Check out these photos....
What slang do you use? Here's our Michigan slang...
A glass half full. Literally.
One couple's marriage surprise: "We share a toothbrush."
As always, you can find much more on Smitten. Thank you! xo
(Photo from Hollister Hovey)