Bonnie and Clyde have fabulous style...even as salt and pepper shakers.
Heehee. Remember this awesome mantra if you ever get cranky blog comments!
Sophia Coppola looks great on the cover of Paris Vogue.
Five cliff-top towns. (Via Double Takes)
A heart-themed baby shower.
Loving these vintage wares and pretty hairbands.
Yikes! I am too much of a wuss to ever go ice climbing.
This Indonesian photographer looks just like Obama. Also, Christian Bale looks like Kermit.
A rad Rosemary's Baby poster.
A peek into writer's rooms.
Stacy sweetly suggests these flower wedding dresses.
A nice butterfly mobile.
Following Domino's demise, Page Six Magazine fires everyone but the editor-in-chief and moves from a weekly to a quarterly.
But let's end on a happy note. Loving the newish blog All Stripes.
Have a lovely weekend!!! xoxo