Today a NEW Spy Phone Message came to some Penguins:
January 26. 2011
Agent Dot.
It says 'Update: the newspaper source that revealed us was not the Protobot. I'm sure of it. Whoever it was already knew about us. Still investigating.
Thanks to Orang0 for telling me about this :)
Yesterday I sent this email to Club Penguin
January 25, 2011from Saraapril to Club Penguin:
So far I have not received any of the Spy Phone Messages that you started to send out in January. My Avatar is a Member and I have earned all the stamps in System Defender. None of my Non Member Penguins have received the Messages either. Some of them has played part of system defender some not. Some have done the Field-Ops some not but it doesn't seam to matter. I have tried different Browsers and cleared the cache many times but still no messages. Due to all email I got about the problem I am not the only one that doesn't receive these messages.
Can you take a look at it?
Today I got a reply From Club Penguin to Saraapril:
Hi Saraapril,
It's good to hear from you again. We've recently been hearing from some players that they are not able to view any messages on their EPF phone. This is a cache error and will require you to clear your cache and restart your web browser.
To clear your internet cache, please follow the steps for your web browser located at this link:
Once you have finished clearing your cache, please completely close your web browser to make sure all of the old files are removed.
Thanks, and have a wonderful day!
Kind Regards,
Club Penguin
It is rude how Club Penguin answer without even bother to read my email I CLEARLY wrote in my email that I HAD cleared my Cache without result!
Today I have sent Club Penguin a New email From Saraapril to Club Penguin:
Why did you not read my email? I HAVE cleared my cache! It still does not work!
So how will we go from here?
Once upon a time it was FUN to be a Secret Agent in Club Penguin these days it is NOT Fun at ALL! Club Penguin replaced the smart and FUN PSA = Penguin Secret Agency with EPF = Everyday Phoning Failure and System Defender Machine Guns…Thank-You soooo MUCH!!!
Club Penguin Spy Phone BUG Strikes AGAIN!
I still don’t get Messages from EPF! BUG!
NO System Defender Messages in Spy Phone!
No Messages from G or Director!
UPDATE: My Spy Phone Works!