While I and my Brown Puffle Inventor made Experiments in our Igloo my other 18 Puffles were in the Pet Shop Daycare BUT when I went to the Pet Shop to take them home again I run in to some Problems…First the Yellow Puffle Shakespeare could not longer have that name…
…Sorry this name is not available Please try again! Why? Shakespeare has ALWAYS been named Shakespeare so WHY is that name suddenly not available?
…here is a Picture that PROVES that the Yellow Puffle was named Shakespeare when it went to Pet Shop Daycare!
…Here you can read about Why Shakespeare moved to my Igloo :) Now to Next Problem…After picking up 11 of my Puffles I tried to Pick up my 7 Puffles named Orange but I could only pick up 6 of them…read more at Orange Puffle Adoptions – My Stories and Adventures :) Sorry, you may only have a maximum of 19 Puffles! Do I really have 19 Puffles in my Igloo? NO I can only Adopt 18 Puffles including the Brown Puffle right now! Brown Puffle Card Bug!
…So one of my Orange Puffles is still at The Pet Shop Daycare and Shakespeare’s name is misspelled on the Puffle Card…
…Please Club Penguin can you fix these Bug’s as fast as Possible? Thanks :)
Club Penguin BUGS and Glitches!
UPDATE: Orange Puffle is HOME :)