The image above is a manifestation of something called The Exceptional Lie Group E8. I can't even begin to extrapolate the information from the scientific website. I believe it's the computer-generated representation of a formula, which would fill all the blackboards in Manhattan, that has something to do with multiple dimensions and the theory of everything. Or perhaps it's the mathematical formula for Marshmallow Fluff. All I care is that it's a staggeringly beautiful image. And--guess what?--it looks like nothing so much as an equally staggering work below by Mark Dagley, taken from the McKenzie Fine Art website.
Dagley's work is from 1999, and the formula is more recent. If Dagley somehow imagined the form before the math produced it, well I'm thinking he's got a big career in physics. And if the math came before the art, Dagley's drawing is a beautiful and mindblowingly complex image that connects the artist with nature of the universe in a way rarely before imagined.