We can Send a GIFT to our Friends :) That is so AWESOME :) I will send one to my Good Friend 1w34e :)
…This Penguin’s mailbox is full. Your postcard could not be sent. Please try later.
…Many OLD Penguins like myself has SAVED our RARE Postcards and now our Mailboxes are FULL! For very long I have asked Club Penguin to fix a way so we can SAVE our Memory cards and even sent them several ideas how to do that Practically! An Idea :) That have not been done! Now we have to choose to DELETE all our Rare Cards or Miss out on this GIFT! THIS WILL BE THE WORST CLUB PENGUIN CHRISTMAS EVER!
My Brother Littletias got a Gift Card and a New Friend :)
…HAPPY Christmas Enjoy your Gift!
…You have found a Candy Cane Hat. Would you like to Pick it up? Yes Please :)
…THANKS Lmka for sending my Brother a Gift Card and Enjoy The Gift he sent You :)
…PLEASE Club Penguin can you Fix so that I can Get This Gift too Without having to Delete My Rare Cards that holds so Many FUN Memories that I Treasures? PLEASE! I wish for a Candy Cane Hat…